Lordsutan-Displaying Facebook and Twitter buttons beside a product affects your purchase. The social logos increase the likelihood of buying positive products and decrease it for embarrassing ones.
Displaying the Facebook Like button and the Twitter tweet button on shopping websites affects buying decisions of potential customers. Sometimes it increases the likelihood that they will buy some products, while for other products it reduces that probability. Nearly 200 consumers explored products in an online shopping context. Participants were randomly assigned to see product pages that either included small Facebook and Twitter icons, or did not. When the product was more private in nature, the icons suppressed purchase intentions, also by 25 percent.
New research finds that Facebook and Twitter badges on web pages may have a dramatic impact on how consumers spend their money online.
Researchers tracked nearly 200 participants’ online shopping behaviors and determined how the presence of the ubiquitous Facebook “Like” or Twitter “Tweet” buttons influenced actual purchasing. Equally random was whether or not the pages included social networking references.
The study found that consumers who saw a social media icon near a product that might embarrass them were significantly less likely to buy that product than those who saw the same product without the icon.
"Our study finds that the mere presence of social media icons on a web page where we shop appears to cause us to feel as if our purchases are being watched by our social network, and we adjust our buying decisions accordingly," said Claudia Townsend, an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Miami School of Business Administration who conducted the research with Empirica's David Neal.
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