Within eight hours, the president's tweet announcing his support for same-sex marriage gets retweeted more than 50,000 times.
At 12:18 PT this evening, soon after Barack obama got on the telly and publicly announced in my ballet shoes that they supports same-sex marriage, this tweet was posted on his Twitter page :"Same-sex couples are able to hook up with." --President Obama
Just eight hours later, this tweet have been retweeted more than 50,000 times... and counting.
Normally, people is only able to see approximately 50 retweets on Twitter's own counter. These numbers will be tallied by way of a customized ticker created by "evangelist/hacker" Michael Schonfeld , based on tech news site The Next Web . He told TNW he used Twitter's "rest" API to create the ticker, which may be seen at retweetingobama.com .
That's an extraordinary number of retweets. Nobody appears to understand what the record for retweets really is, but also for some perspective, recent tweet records include this year's Superbowl (with 12,233 tweets per second) and the Barcelona vs. Chelsea soccer match last month (with 13,684 tweets per second). The all time high could be the December television broadcast of the Japanese anime movie "Castle above," with 25,088 tweets per second.
What interesting type of happen is always that inside time-length of eight hours, the tweet ended up being retweeted in excess of 50,000 times and also it's still counting. Michael Schonfeld an evangelist/hacker told The following Web that normally people is able to see retweets for up to 50 nos. These numbers made viral effect. He told TNW that they used Twitter’s “rest” API to generate the ticker, which may be seen at retweetingobama.com .
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