Angry Birds Downloaded 1 Million Times Per Day

Software companies from Finland, Rovio, which is a game developer Angry Birds are now on the rise, the successful course. Game is known as a swarm of birds such figures are so popular, even a record number of downloads of up to 1 million times per day.

That said Peter Vesterbacka, Chief Executive Officer of Rovio, a position originally given the nickname "Mighty Eagle" in the Mobile 2.0 Europe conference Open IDEAS, Thursday (16/06/2011) in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

Good news is good news considering the Rovio preparing to go public in order to get an injection of fresh funds. Rovio is reportedly aiming for an additional 42 million dollars to expand its business of offering shares to the public.

Currently, the remaining profits from the Rovio game downloads Angry Birds. The game is downloadable for free at first, but only a few levels that can be played. To proceed to a more difficult level, users must buy from the market place. Angry Birds have entered almost all mobile device platforms, such as IOS, Android, and Symbian, even a minute can be played on Facebook.

In addition, the Rovio is also running a business doll and accessories. Dolls with characters like the game is sold online.

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