Manufacturers Final Fantasy Game Developer Indonesia Invite

Creative Industries ICT Indonesia Society (MIKTI) and one of the world's leading game developer Square Enix launches competition to seek ideas and best mobile game of the Indonesia-based Android, the most popular smartphone platform today. Interestingly, Square Enix choose Indonesia as the first country to hold this competition.

"We are very pleased to be holding this competition in a market that is growing so rapidly," said Keiji Honda, Executive Vice President and Representative Director of Square Enix in a press release received "We have a survey to Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines, but we are actually interested in Indonesia."

The company is headquartered in Tokyo it is publishing games-best-selling range of Final Fantasy games which sold 100 million units worldwide, Dragon Quest has sold 58 million units worldwide, and Tomb Raider sold over 35 million worldwide.

These giant companies are very impressed with the rapid growth of games in Asia. In 2009 alone the games market in Asian countries, including China and Indonesia, has reached Rp 88 trillion or about 70 percent of the world games market. Even sales of mobile-based games are expected to reach Rp 10 trillion this year.

The plan, Square Enix will disburse funds to market games-games-nation children's work to the markets of Indonesia and the rest of the world. Square Enix's mobile games will market the results of the competition in Indonesia in advance as he saw an opportunity to enter the markets of other countries. A unique, the winners will still own the copyright of his work.

"In this competition the winner will be able to continue to enjoy the fruit of their creativity through the royalties they will receive once marketed Square Enix," said Secretary-General MIKTI, Sungkari Day.

Competition begins August 1, 2011. Judging will be held in Jakarta on September 19 to 22, followed in Tokyo, September 23 to 27. The jury will select the 10 best games ideas and the best 3 games for mobile phones based on Android, the most dominant OS in the world today. Three games are already finished and 10 games the best ideas will be offered in ICT Award ceremony in Jakarta, 4-5 October.

The winners and MIKTI will act as a developer while Square Enix will provide a total prize of Rp 90 million, as initial funding. In addition they will also act as the Publisher (Publisher), including finance the marketing and distribution of winning games in Indonesia and throughout the world.

To promote this competition, will present MIKTI Takashi Tokita, Square Enix producer who recently launched the Final Fantasy Legends games for mobile phones. They will also cooperate with the British Council to bring back Ian Livingstone, producer of the legendary games Tomb Raider and Eidos President for Life who is now a subsidiary of Square Enix.

Manufacturers Final Fantasy Game Developer Indonesia Invite

2 Responses to "Manufacturers Final Fantasy Game Developer Indonesia Invite"

  1. younger generation of indonesiaTuesday, August 09, 2011 7:34:00 PM

    Yeah,i think this will spur the younger generation of indonesia for being more creative
