Google Panda Update Addressed In New Google Announcement

Lordsutan-Focus on increasing freshness through the update not only to "Update the freshness," but also through changes in the universal search, which focus on queries that return results news.

Panda changes algorithm, targeted at finding more sites of high quality. We improve how Panda interact with indexing and ranking system, making it more integrated into our pipelines. We also released a minor update to refresh the data for the Panda.

Google confirm this happened last week.No additional and significant changes, compared to Panda update from the past.

Many have complained about the introduction of Google Search Plus your world last month, many complained about with regard to their impact on the relevance of Google's search results.

Google has spent nearly a full year with the aim of Panda released an update to improve the quality of the search. Obviously this is not the purpose of Google's public retreat from, but some are questioning whether they put their priorities a bit more to make the Google + success.

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