Facebook will then manually approve the "alternative names" to confirm they are the real stage names or pen names.
Celebrities such as Lady Gaga will soon be invited to have their Facebook accounts verified, allowing them to display a preferred pseudonym.
The link will only appear on public comments made by Facebook users who have allowed other users to subscribe their updates.
As first reported by TechCrunch yesterday, Facebook today started allowing prominent public figures, notably those with many subscribers, to verify their accounts by submitting a government-issued photo ID and display a preferred pseudonym instead of their birth name. Once verified, they’ll also have the option to more prominently display an alternate name (nickname, maiden name, byline, etc.) on their timelines in addition to their real name. Those with verified accounts will also gain more prominent placement in Facebook’s “People To Subscribe To” feature (also called Subscription Suggestions).
It’s important to note how verified accounts work with Facebook’s real name policy, which has always stated you must use your birth name on the social network. On the one hand, verified accounts allow more than just the nick names allowed previously, since verified accounts allow pseudonyms that can replace your real name on the service, while nick names are just attached to your name.
Take a look at the screenshots (below) for a look at some of the steps in the verification process.
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