Sony launched its first tablet computers on Tuesday in an ambitious attempt to grab the No. 2 spot from Samsung in a fast-growing market dominated by Apple's year-old iPad.
The gadgets, based on Google's Android operating system 3.0, Could Be Some of the Japanese company's most Important new products since the Playstation game console made its debut in 1994.
Sony, Also the inventor of the Walkman and once a symbol of Japan's high-tech Might, is now struggling to come up with devices and improv hit profit margins as it competes with Apple, Samsung Electronics and Nintendo.
The entry of Sony into a tablet computer market has been eagerly awaited, but his arrival was relatively late compared to other manufacturers. IOS operating system is predicted to remain dominant for several years to come even though its market share will be reduced.
Sony said the tablet computers will appear in two forms ie with 9.4 inch touch screen while the other one sailed 5.5 inches. Apart from the Honeycomb-based Android operating system, Sony will add several features including the ability to send video and music to television and stereo music using wireless waves DLNA standard shipping.
The tablets are Called S1 and S2 and are WiFi and 3G/4G compatible. Among these two will of one of the models have two screens. S1 features 9.4 inch display while S2 will from have two 5.5-inch displays That Can Be Easily folded. PlayStation fans would be happy to learn That will from both the tablets allow use of the PlayStation Games.
Interesting they do not use the Sony Ericsson brand, but only Sony.
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